Station 19, is an American action drama TV series created by Stacy McKee for ABC Network. The first season of the series was premiered on 22 March 2018, and it is spin off Grey’s Anatomy. The story is set in Seattle and focuses on the lives of men and women who work at Seattle Fire Station 19. The series stars the following cast, Jaina Lee Ortiz, Jason George, Grey Damon, Barett Doss, Alberto Frezza, Jay Hayden, Danielle Savre, Miguel Sandoval, and Okieriete Onaodowan.
The series is one of the most popular series, and it is liked by the fans of Grey’s Anatomy. The series recently wrapped up the third season with a fantastic ending. The fans are already anticipating what will happen in the next season and couldn’t wait for its release. Station 19 will see some new and exciting elements in the fourth season, and the showrunner also planned a lot of stuff for the next season.
The cast of Station 19 will reprise their respective characters in the fourth season which includes, Jaina Lee Ortiz as Andrea, Danielle Savre as Maya, Jay Haden as Travis, Barett Doss as Victoria, Boris Kodjoe as Robert, Grey Damon as Jack, Jason George as Ben, Alberto Frezza as Ryan, Ellen Pompeo as Meredith, and few others.
The final episode of the third season left many things for the fourth season. The showrunner, Krista Vernoff teased some plot line for the upcoming season, she said there is a large amount to explore in the new season of Station 19 with the focus on Andy and Maya’s friendship, the personal lives of the firefighters, Jack getting over his loneliness and much more.
Release Date
The third season which was released on 23 January 2020, received many great reviews from audiences and critics all across the globe, and the renewal for another season was inevitable. ABC network renewed Station 19 for its fourth season on 11 March 2020. The filming for the new season hasn’t begun because of the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19, now when the world will be in a better condition the filming and production will kick in, and soon will get to know the release date, but it won’t be releasing any time before 2021.