Created by Penn Jillette, Teller, Peter Adam Golden, and Andrew Golder, Penn & Teller: Fool Us is a magic competition television show that first premiered on...
Created by Penn Jillette, Teller, Peter Adam Golden and Andrew Golder, Penn & Teller: Fool Us is a magic competition television show that first premiered on...
Hello, Readers! Table Wars Season 1, the long-awaited premiere of HGTV’s new event design and extreme tabletop competition series is here. On the show, eight exceptional...
Hello, Readers! When it comes to finding a new fashion show to be obsessed with, The Hype has you covered. The series, which will be hosted...
Hello, Readers! Getaway Driver is a new show from Discovery aimed at car aficionados, and fans of Fast & Furious will be pleased to learn that...
Hello, Readers! Holey Moley, ABC’s wackiest extreme mini-golf competition series, will return for a third season as Holey Moley 3D in 2D. Eureka Productions and Unanimous...