Super Bomberman has developed as a popular game franchise over the years. The gameplay is very simple compared to other games but it has still received...
Celebrity Wheel of Fortune is an American television show. The creation of Merv Giffin aired first in 1975. The game is all about winning prizes like...
Tomb Raider 2 is an action-adventure film. Roar Uthaug directed the film, with the screenplay by Geneva Robertson and Alastair Siddons. The film is made on...
Hell’s Kitchen is an American reality television series. Competition-based television series, similar to the British television series of the same name. The contestants compete against each...
The Misery Index is an American Game Show. Ben New Mark and Den Newmark created the game show with Andy Breckman based on his card game...
The Chase is a British quiz show. Bradley Walsh is the host of the grand game show. The contestants have to give the correct answers in...
ABC network is all set to release a new game show like ner before! The network has previously released many successful shows like Modern Family and...
Directed by Shawn Levy, Free Guy is an upcoming American science fiction action comedy film from a screenplay by Matt Lieberman and Zak Penn. Though the film established itself...
Red dead redemption, the action-adventure game released in 2010, will there be a part three? Developed by Rockstar San Diego, The red redemption was the second...
Its a well known open-world establishment. However, is Mafia 4 as of now in progress. And when may it be released? This is what Droidjournal has...