Directed by Shawn Levy, Free Guy is an upcoming American science fiction action comedy film from a screenplay by Matt Lieberman and Zak Penn. Though the film established itself...
Deadpool 3 is arguably one of the most awaited superhero films that fans want. The merc-with-a-mouth, played by Ryan Reynolds, has had two films, both of...
Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson are undoubtedly two of the funniest celebrities in Hollywood. Put them together in a film, and you get a laughter riot. That is...
The Croods family is back! What do you think of animated movies? Do you love them too? Well, then this one’s is for you. Because we...
Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds come together for new action-packed comedy Netflix original film. Writer-director Rawson Marshal Thurber reunites with Johnson for a third project after...