Created by Melissa London Hilfers, Monarch is an upcoming American drama television series. The show is about a country music family the Romans. The new show...
Hello, Readers! Million Dollar Wheels Season 1 will premiere on Discovery+ in February 2022. Some of the world’s most famous people will appear on the show....
Streaming service HBO Max is bringing a brand-new crime drama miniseries Tokyo Vice. Created by J.T. Rogers, the show is based on the 2009 book of...
Streaming service Apple TV+ is bringing a new thriller television series titled Severance. Created by Dan Erickson, the first season of the show will be released...
Animated television series The Proud Family’s revival, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder is scheduled to premiere soon on Disney+. The show is created by Bruce...
Netflix is bringing a new South Korean legal drama series, Juvenile Justice. The series is created by the streaming service and directed by Hong Jong-chan. The...
Streaming service Netflix is bringing another thriller drama series, Pieces of Her. Created by Charlotte Stoudt, it is based on the novel of the same name...
Hello, Readers! There’s a lot to look forward to in terms of entertainment as the holidays approach. For example, there’s a lot of comfort food and...
Hello, Readers! Table Wars Season 1, the long-awaited premiere of HGTV’s new event design and extreme tabletop competition series is here. On the show, eight exceptional...
Hello, Readers! Tubi has acquired The Freak Brothers Season 1, an animated stoner sitcom starring Woody Harrelson and John Goodman. Tubi, a part of FOX Entertainment,...