Minions 2 will be fifth film in the Despicable Me film franchise. It is the second prequel film in the series overall, and sequel to the 2015 film Minions. The film...
A new comedy show from Netflix that can get Pentagon’s attention. What has comedy has to do with Pentagon? Well, if Steve Carell can become an...
The Office is an American mockumentary sitcom television series that depicts the everyday lives of office employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. It aired...
Yes, we’re excited about the Space Force and why wouldn’t we? It’s only about a week from now to see Michael Scott on screen again. To...
Steve Carell who played the iconic character of “Michael Scott” in “The Office” is coming up with his own co-creation “Space Force”. The fans of both...
Co-created by Steve Carell and The Office showrunner Greg Daniels, Space Force is a workplace comedy in the US military realm, first of its kind. US...