The Goldbergs is an American period sitcom television series that premiered on September 24, 2013, on ABC. The series was created and produced by Adam F. Goldberg, Seth Gordon, and Doug Robinson. It is based on Goldberg’s childhood and family in the 1980s, complete with a childhood version of himself. On May 21, 2020, ABC renewed the series for an eighth season, which premiered on October 21, 2020, with two back-to-back episodes.
Set in the 1980s in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania The Goldbergs depicts the reality of the ’80s through a preadolescent’s, and later in the series, teenager’s, view. The show is loosely based on the showrunner’s childhood, during which he videotaped events and many of these videos are reenacted throughout the program, with the original version than shown before the end credits.
The cast includes Wendi McLendon-Covey as Beverly Goldberg, Jeff Garlin as Murray Goldberg, Hayley Orrantia as Erica Goldberg, Troy Gentile as Barry Goldberg, Sean Giambrone as Adam Goldberg, George Segal as Albert Solomon, Sam Lerner as Geoff Schwartz, AJ Michalka as Lainey Lewis, Alison Rich as Erica Coolidge.