Dirty John is an American crime action-based television series. The show is based on the podcast of the same name by Christopher Goffard. The podcast premiered on Bravo in November 2018. The show is the creation of Alexandra Cunningham with two seasons up till now. However, the USA Network took over the show from season two.
Dirty John: Cast
Season 1 Cast: Connie Britton as Debra Newell, a wealthy successful interior designer. Eric Bana John Meehan, a con man with a history of deceiving women who pose as an anesthesiologist. Juno Temple as Veronica Newell, Debra’s older daughter, and Julia Garner as Terra Newell, Debra’s younger daughter.
Season 2 Cast: Amanda Peet as Betty Broderick. Christian Slater as Dan Broderick and Rachel Keller as Linda Kolken.
The Plot
In season one we see how a romance with John Meehan filled with secrets and manipulation which affects the whole family. In season two we see the breakdown of Betty Broderick’s marriage to childhood sweetheart, Dan Broderick. This leads to the stage of the devastating effects of the emotional toll it took on Betty. Consequently, leading to the homicide of Dan by Betty. Moreover, we a full combination of trashy true crime and abuse of women rights.
Season Update
So far the two seasons of Dirty John focuses on true crime stories. In season 1 we saw a con man marrying a woman and leaving the family in great danger. Similarly, in season 2 we see a relationship of a couple gone raw leading to the murder of another. USA Network has not yet renewed the show for a brand new season 3. But there are high speculations that the new season will also be based on old true crime stories. Viewers of the show have high hopes from the makers of Dirty John.