Don’t Look Deeper is a science fiction drama show released on Quibi, which is a free American streaming platform that provides quick bites content to its viewers. Don’t Look Deeper was released on July 27, 2o20 and consists of 14 episodes for its first season. Is it worth watching? Read more to find out!
Don’t Look Deeper: Plot and Cast
Don’t Look Deeper follows female high school student named Aisha, who lives in Merced, California. She finds out through a series of encounters that she isn’t human, even though everything else has seemed mostly normal in the past. She has a great boyfriend, perfect father and plans to go to art school. But everything crashes down when she cuts her arm, and discovers that she is made up of robotic parts.
The show explores the themes of artificial intelligence and questions what being human really means through the character of Aisha. She becomes scared to question her own existence because she was unaware about not being an actual human being before, and wonders who she can talk to about this. She thinks about how well she seems to blend in with all the students, the real humans, at school.
The cast consists of Helena Howard playing Aisha, Emily Mortimer as Sharon and Don Cheadle as Martin. Jan Luis Castellanos plays Levi, Ema Horvath as Jenny, and Harvey Zielinski as Abel. Finally, we have Brandon Win as William and Kayleigh Gilbert as Emma.
Don’t Look Deeper Season 2: Release Date and Updates
The first season of Don’t Look Deeper was made up of 14 episodes, each of under 10 minutes in length. Most of Quibi’s episodes seem to clock out at this length as well. While Don’t Look Deeper hasn’t been renewed for a second season, it hasn’t been cancelled either, which means we can expect to hear more about the lives of Aisha and her family.