Netflix original documentary series Immigration Nation premiered in August 2020. The series is inspired from real-life events. It follows the stories of immigrants who wished to claim the citizenship of the United States of America. The series gives a detailed account of the struggles these people have to face. Along with this the process and the circumstances they have to face in a foreign country.
The plot of the show:
The series is a harrowing and an extremely informative account. It throws light on the injustice, cruelty and the brutality these immigrants have to face. The severe shortage of food deteriorated areas they are offered to live. The chaotic and mayhem which is caused by the deplorable living conditions. Also, their situation during Trump’s election campaign. How Trump and his party wanted to change the game for America. How he wanted to introduce new laws which would support the American population and affect the immigrants. The series was able to engage the audience and give them an unbiased account of the events panned out.
Trailer and Release Date of the show:
The show made its debut on the 3rd of August 2020. The show has a total of 6 episodes. Each episode has a run time of 60 to 64 minutes. The episodes were released altogether on 3rd August on Netflix. There has been no confirmation about the series having a season two. Although, the series has done fairly well for itself.
You can stream the show on Netflix. Here is the trailer for the show:
The cast of the show:
The was directed by Christina Clusiau and Shaul Schwarz. Reel Peak Films was the production company for the series and it was made primarily for the United States of America. Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter described the series as “Not an easy watch, but often essential” and wrote: “As in-depth and widely-encompassing as it is, Immigration Nation feels barely like the tip of a horrible iceberg.
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