Developed by Ironwood Studios, Pacific Drive is an upcoming survival game and is published by Kepler Interactive. The main premise is set in the Pacific Northwest where the player walks on foot or uses a station wagon to escape. The player is tasked with confronting metal monsters and attaching them to the car. The vehicle can be updated as per requirement.
In this article, we are going to discuss everything about Pacific Drive that you want to know. So, read the article thoroughly.
Pacific Drive Release Date
After the founding of Ironwood Studios in 2019 the development of Pacific Drive has been begun. The idea of the game was first proposed by creative director Alexander Dracott while he was at the Olympic Peninsula. He said that he planned to make an independent team but later decided to add a few team members.
The development of the game started during the Covid-19 pandemic. In September 2022, the developers announced that the game is scheduled to be released in early 2024 for PlayStation 5 and Windows.
Pacific Drive Gameplay
Pacific Drive will be a game where the basic intention will be to emerge as the survivor in the end. The premise is set in the Olympic Exclusion Zone in the Pacific Northwest where the player will use his foot or the station wagon. The player can keep on updating the vehicle and there will be a garage that will be like a base of operations for the player. Vehicles can be updated at the same time and the car’s quirks can get some repairs, including the horn.
A few repairs will be possible when the player explores the world inside the game and certain repairs can be made to the flat tires and blowtorch too. There is an Inventing Station where resources could be used for making different machines alongside finding new paths and refueling the vehicle. There is a buzzsaw that could be used for removing the monsters damaging the metal of the car.
There will be various other obstacles and a greater number of locations would be unlocked as the game progresses further. Recipes and blueprints would be dropped as the player continues playing. People can also speak to the non-playing characters with the help of notes and audio logs and the player must accumulate energy cores for opening the gateways which would help them in going back to the garage. There are certain techniques that could be used as a shield by the player.
Pacific Drive Trailer
There are many trailers available for Pacific Drive on YouTube. Check it below:
I have been playing a lot of video games for a long time and I have tried almost everything in all the genres. I am researching more about the upcoming projects and willing to try all of them.