Raised By Wolves is an American science fiction drama show premiering on HBO Max. Aaron Guzikowski created the show which will be released on September 3, 2020. The show is based on two android parents who raise human children on a mysterious planet after the destruction of Earth. What happens in the show? Is it worth watching? Keep reading to find out!
Raised by Wolves: Plot and Cast
The show features two humanistic androids, Mother and Father, who are sent on a strange planet with human embryos. They are tasked with raising the children by the atheists who engage in a losing war with the Mithraics. The Mithraics are a conservative religious group trying to destroy atheism and in the course of it, the planet.
The atheists task the androids with raising the children without religious beliefs. The androids learn parenting the hard way and have to deal with the loss of several children. Since the land where they live is barren, most of the children die from the disease. Only one child, a girl named Campion, is left.
At the end of the first episode, we witness the arrival of the Mithraics onto the planet. Thus, starts a battle of beliefs between the believers and the heretics on the lonely planet. This show, directed by Ridley Scott in the barren plains of South Africa, brings life to a desolate situation.
Travis Fimmel plays Marcus, while Abubakar Salim and Amanda Collins play Father and Mother respectively. Winta McGrath plays the sole human survivor Campion. Niamh Algar plays Sue and Felix Jamieson plays Paul. Matias Varela plays Lucius and Ivy Wong plays Vita.
Raised by Wolves: Release and Trailer
The first episode of Season 1 comes out on September 3, 2020. This makes it the first of ten episodes to be released. While it is too early for the show to be renewed for a second season, we hope to see Ridley Scott amaze us again!