South Park is an American animated comedy series that first premiered on Comedy Central in August 1997. The series is known for its offensive and dark humour as well as its satire. Trey Parker and Matt Stone created the show for a mature audience. It has consistently received very high ratings, which is one of the reasons it has stayed on air for so long. Is it worth watching? Read more to find out!
South Park: Plot and Cast
The show features the story of four boys in the fictional town of South Park near Colorado. Most of the residents think of the town as a normal and quiet place.
Stan Marsh, one of the boys, is portrayed as an average American elementary school kid. Kyle Broflovski is the only Jewish kid in the group and is treated with some amount of satire and derision. This is especially the case with Eric Cartman, who makes anti-Semitic jokes all the time. He is usually portrayed as an antagonist and obnoxiously loud.
Kenny McCormick is the quietest one of the bunch. He is usually all covered with his parka and muffles half his sentences. He was killed in almost every episode and yet came back alive every time. The show creators wrote him out of the show after the sixth season.
Trey Parker and Matt Stone voice most of the male characters of South Park. Mary Key Bergman voiced most of the female characters in the show until 1999. Currently, April Stewart voices the female characters. Guest characters like Jennifer Aniston and Norman Lear have also graced the show a few times.
South Park Season 24: Release Date and Trailer
Season 23 of the show finished premiering in December 2019 and fans have been waiting for another season since then. Luckily, the show creators renewed the show for three more seasons, till the 26th instalment.
While no official release date has yet been given for Season 24, it is expected to premiere in late September this year! We can’t wait to see more of the small town adventures!