Developed by Raphael Bob-Waksberg and Kate Purdy (BoJack Horseman), Undone is an American animated series networked by Amazon Prime Video. Season 1 of the show is rated...
Created by Greg Daniels (The Office US and Space Force) Upload is an American sci-fi comedy-drama series which is networked by Prime Video. This show is rated 8/10...
The highly-rated show The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is coming back with its fourth season and fans are pretty excited. The show has been renewed for a fourth...
The Boys is an American superhero web TV series. It is all based on the comic book of the same name by Garth Ennis and Darick...
Relentless, a gaming company operated by Amazon, puts Crucible back in a closed beta. Realizing that the game was released before it was concluded. In a...
One of the Amazon Prime’s most-watched shows of 2019, The Boys is about here with the second season. The Boys is not just another saga of...
Amazon’s Crucible, the video game that is expected to be Amazon’s great achievement, launched its digital event recently in May. It allowed gamers to give a...
Another superhero franchise returning for a sequel. It sounds very normal, isn’t it? Actually we have created a pantheon of superheroes just that they will protect...
Among the most-watched TV shows currently from the renowned streaming platforms, Amazon Prime Video is one of them, the TV series “Upload” tops the latest rankings. Topping the...
Crucible, a free-to-play shooter video game developed by Amazon. The game is now blended with shooting and role-playing together to make it more lively and interesting....