The Midnight Club is an upcoming television series based on Christopher Pike’s renowned novel that goes by the same title. Created by Mike Flanagan and Leah Fong, this horror mystery-thriller incorporates everything, from midnight meetings and scary stories to death pacts and unnatural events. The creators along with Christopher Pike, Trevor Macy, and Julia Bicknell serve as the executive producers of the show. Keep reading to know more.
The Midnight Club: Plot and Cast
The plot of The Midnight Club revolves around a group of young adults who are terminally I’ll and reside at a hospice home where they are taken care of by their doctor. As midnight strikes, the group comes together for a ritual and regular meeting where they narrate scary stories by taking turns. They have all agreed to a pact, a promise of a sort, that whoever is the first to die of their illness will make attempts to reach out and communicate with the others of the group, beyond his/her grave. The story gains momentum as one of them succumbs to death following which, mysterious and unexplainable events begin to take place.
The cast of The Midnight Club includes Samantha Sloyan, Zach Gilford, Igby Rigney, Heather Langenkamp, Matt Biedel, Annarah Cymone, Ranjit Samra, Ruth Codd, Aya Furukawa, Yuki Morita, William Chris Sumpter, Virginia Penney, Sauriyan Sapkota, Adi, George Haralabopoulos, Robert Longstreet, William B. Davis, Crystal Balint, Emily Piggford, Larsen Thompson, and Iman Benson.
The Midnight Club: Release Date
The Midnight Club releases on October 7, 2022, on Netflix. The series comprises 10 episodes all of which will be made available to the viewers at once.
The Midnight Club: Trailer
The official trailer of The Midnight Club is not out yet. Not to worry as the teaser of the show is launched by Netflix. Take a quick peek at it by clicking on the tab below: