The Umbrella Academy is one of the most watched Netflix fantasy series currently! Created by Steve Blackman and Jeremy Slater, it follows the story of a superhero family who try to find out the circumstances of their father’s death and save the world from doom. It was first released on February 15, 2019 and was renewed that same month of a second season. Is the show worth watching? Read more to find out!
The Umbrella Academy: Plot and Cast
The Umbrella Academy is a fantasy series about a family of seven adopted children, who were all born on the same day under mysterious circumstances, where 43 women give birth to children on October 1, 1989, without showing any signs of pregnancy previously. The billionaire adoptive father, Sir Reginald Hargreeves, first assigns his children numbers instead of giving them names, but their mother, Grace, who is actually a robot, names them all later.
In the future, the siblings figure out the secrets that revolve around their family and save the world from impending doom while keeping the family together.
The series features a very celebrated cast, with Ellen Page playing the role of Vanya Hargreeves (#7), Tom Hopper as Luther Hargreeves (#1), David Castañeda as Diego Hargreeves (#2), Emmy Raver-Lampman as Allison Hargreeves (#3), Robert Sheehan as Klaus Hargreeves (#4), Aidan Gallagher as The Boy (#5), and Justin H. Min as Ben Hargreeves (#6). All of the children have superpowers except for Vanya.
The Umbrella Academy Season 2: Release Date and Updates
The second season was first released on July 31, 2020 and had ten episodes just like the first season. It received good reception and took the story of the Hargreeves family further by adding a plot twist through a botched time travel operation by Five. The siblings appear in the city of Dallas, Texas in the year 1963, and try to prevent the assassination of President John F. Kennedy of the United States. The show hasn’t yet been renewed for a season three, but we have high hopes!