Intervention is an American series that premiered on March 6, 2005, on A&E. It follows one or two participants, who are dependent or addicted to drugs. During the intervention meeting, loved ones give the addict an ultimatum. Like, go to an inpatient drug rehabilitation program immediately, or else risk losing contact or other privileges. The show follows up on the recovery progress for future episodes or for web shorts. Here is what you need to know about season 22 of Intervention!
What is the plot of Intervention?
The show follows one or two participants who have either substance dependence or addiction. It is a documentary of their addiction including graphic substance abuse. Subsequently, it affects their lives until a surprise intervention event is conducted with a professional interventionist. It is intercut with interviews with relatives and friends. In the intervention, the addict has to choose between his/her privileges and go to a rehabilitation facility.
In situations where the individuals in the addict’s close circle have become codependent or otherwise traumatized by the addict’s behavior. The interventionist usually recommends that the entire family seek counseling to enable them to move on. Likewise, Medical detoxification is available when drug withdrawal is dangerous
Who all are part of the cast of the show?
The cast for each episode is primarily the addict and their family and friends. The only regular cast member in each episode is the interventionist. There are some episodes starring celebrity guests that support the cause. Interventionists Ken Seeley, Michael Gonzales, Vance Johnson (former Denver Broncos player), Dave Marlon, and Leticia Murphy work against the clock as they try to help these individuals beat their addictions and educate the public on what it takes to overcome substance abuse.
When is season 22 of Intervention releasing?
The show is releasing on 15th March 2021 on A&E worldwide. It is going to be interesting to see the recovery journey of such participants.