Created by Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack, Smiling Friends is an adult animated television series for Cartoon Network’s night-time programming block Adult Swim. Mike Cowap, Emma...
Created by David Weil, Hunters is an American conspiracy drama streaming television series. Hunters follow a diverse band of Nazi hunters living in 1977 New York...
Created by Alex Pina and Esther Martinez Lobato, Sky Rojo is a Spanish black comedy action crime drama television series. Pina and Lobato are also the...
Created by Armando Iannucci, Avenue 5 is a science fiction comedy series produced for HBO. Iannucci is also the executive producer alongside Kevin Loader, Will Smith,...
Created by Jesse Armstrong, Succession is an American satirical black comedy-drama television series. It premiered on June 3, 2018, on HBO. The executive producers of the...
British black comedy anthology television series, Inside No. 9, was created by Reece Shearsmith, and Steve Pemberton, who were also the writers of the series from...
Created and written by Lisa McGee, Derry Girls is a teen sitcom produced for Channel 4. Directed by Michael Lennox, it has been the channel’s most...
Smiling Friends is an American animated black comedy television series, released on Adult Swim on April 1, 2020. Even though it received a mixed response from...
Crime drama series and a spin-off, prequel and sequel to Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul premiered first on February 8, 2015. It has aired five seasons...
Created by Noah Hawley, Fargo is a black comedy crime drama which premiered on April 15, 2014 on FX. The show received positive response from critics...