Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area is a South Korean television series and the second series in the Money Heist franchise, based on the original...
The heist is near to an end. Netflix has renewed the famous Spanish heist drama show Money Heist for the fifth season. It’s probably going to...
Netflix has this weird habit of surprising (and disappointing) us each and every time. Scavenging up hidden gems and bringing it in front of the world....
After an unprecedented global success of Money Heist (La Casa de Papel), Netflix teamed up with writer and showrunner Alex Pina for another thriller series titled...
Netflix’s recently most viewed and popular web series Lacasa de Papel or Money Heist, just got over with the fourth season, leaving the plot at suspense....
Alex Pina, the creator of Netflix’s original- MONEY HEIST, returns with a dramatic mystery featuring Britain, Spain, music, mystery, and death known as “White Lines”. What...
Money Heist has been the talk of the town for a while now. This is not the first heist fantasy but its nothing like any other...