Created by Dick Wolf and Matt Olmstead, Chicago P.D. is an American police procedural action drama television series. On March 27, 2013, it was reported that...
The six-part series, Vigil is a British police procedural television series created by Tom Edge. Edge is also the executive producer alongside Gaynor Holmes, Jake Lushington,...
Developed by Michael Connelly, Tom Bernardo and Eric Overmyer, Bosch: Legacy is a police procedural television series, made for Amazon Freevee. It is a spin-off of...
Big Sky is an upcoming police procedural drama television series on ABC. David E. Kelley, of Big Little Lies fame, has created the series which is based on the 2013 novel...
The Rookie is a police procedural comedy-drama television series on ABC. The series is created by Alexi Hawley. It is produced by ABC Studios and Entertainment One. The Rookie follows the...
L.A.’s Finest is a police procedural comedy drama series. The show made its debut on Spectrum in May 2019. It was the first premium content created for the...
Created by George Kay and Jim Field Smith, Criminal: the UK is a Police procedural anthology series that first premiered on Netflix in 2019. The show is a...
Deputy is a procedural crime drama series on Fox. The show is created by Will Beall, who also serves as an executive producer along with David Ayer, Chris Long, Barry Schindel, Kimberly...
Created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, Blue Bloods is an American police procedural drama TV series. The show is networked by CBS and comprises of...
9-1-1 is a procedural television series that airs on Fox. The show revolves around the lives of first responders of the city of Los Angeles- police officers, firefighters, paramedics,...