Netflix just dropped the trailer for their upcoming miniseries and it looks spectacular. Developed by Academy Award nominee Scott Frank along with Allan Scott, The Queen’s Gambit...
Killing eve is a British black comedy spy thriller TV series based on Villanelle novel series by Luke Jennings. Each season of the series is led by a different...
Created by Hank Steinberg, For Life is an American legal drama TV series which is based on the real account of Isaac Wright Jr. Wright was imprisoned for...
If you loved watching Vikings and The Last Kingdom, here is some good news for you. Netflix is all set to premiere Barbarians, an upcoming German Netflix Original...
Whose Vote Counts, Explained is an upcoming Netflix original docuseries which will premiere in 2020. The show will be dealing with topics like the Electoral College, voter suppression,...
Directed by Darius Marder, Sound of Metal is an American drama film which had its world premiere previously in the Platform Prize program at the 2019 Toronto International Film...
Written and directed by Jarand Herdal, Cadaver is an upcoming Netflix Original film, it is the first-ever Norwegian film to be networked by Netflix. The film is an absolute blend...
The Croods 2 also known as The Croods: A New Age is a sequel to the 2013 film The Croods. Directed by Joel Crawford and produced by DreamWorks Animation,...
Created and written by Jac Schaeffer for Disney+, WandaVision is an upcoming American web television miniseries which is based on Marvel Comics characters Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet...
Created and written by Sarah Dunn, American Housewife is an American sitcom TV series which is networked by ABC. The show received much popularity and positive reviews...