Survivor is a reality competition television franchise and it is derived from the Swedish television series Expedition Robinson created by Charlie Parsons that premiered in 1997....
Killing Eve is a British dark comedy-drama spy thriller series made for BBC America and BBC iPlayer. The show has been produced in United Kingdom by...
McMafia is a British crime drama series that has been created by Hossein Amini and James Watkins. The show is inspired from the book “McMafia :...
Games People Play is an American drama series and it is based on the novel ‘Games Divas Play’ written by Angela Burt-Murray. The show premiered on...
Truth Be Told is an American drama series produced for Apple TV+. The series has been created by Nichelle Tramble Spellman who is also the executive...
Home Before Dark is a mystery drama television series produced for Apple TV+. The series has been created by Dana Fox and Dara Resnik. It is...
American crime drama television series Better Call Saul has been renewed for a sixth and final season. It has been created by Vince Gilligan and Peter...
Fear The Walking Dead is a post-apocalyptic horror drama television series. The show has been created by Robert Kirkman and Dave Erickson. The show is a...
American television anthology series Soulmates has been created by William Bridges and Brett Goldstein. The first season premiered on 5th October 2020 on AMC and the...
The most recent reports say that Ted Lasso Season 2 is definitely happening and the popular Apple TV+ original has also been signed for a third...